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Furnace Repair Burbank IL

Furnace Repair Burbank IL – Clucas Mechanical Heating and Cooling Experts – Call 708-674-3600

Furnace Repair Burbank Il

Furnace Repair Burbank IL

Is your furnace keeping your home, industrial facility or commercial building warm enough? If you need fast and affordable Furnace Repair Burbank IL, Clucas Mechanical is your go-to provider of quality HVAC services. Contact us for an appointment right away if you are experiencing:

-A sharp rise in your heating costs. Have you seen a sudden increase in what you pay every month for heating in comparison to the same period last year? If so, it is time to call for repairs to get your furnace operating efficiently again. Our heating repair technicians can identify what is causing your furnace’s declining performance and complete the fixes necessary to restore it to good order.

-It’s been a long time since your furnace received any maintenance. If you cannot recall the last time an HVAC technician performed any work on your furnace, it’s probably overdue for a yearly inspection and cleaning. Being proactive with maintenance can help to prepare the furnace for the winter season and avoid risk of breakdowns when it’s freezing outside.

-Pilot light is the wrong color. The pilot light inside your furnace, when it’s functioning properly, should appear blue. If it appears a different color, such as yellow, it is a warning sign that carbon monoxide is leaking from your furnace. Because it is a poisonous, hazardous gas, it’s critical to have the furnace repaired by an experienced HVAC technician as soon as possible.

-The furnace is at the end of its service life. The usual life expectancy of a furnace is approximately 15 years. If the furnace in your home is at or close to that age, it’s time to plan for Furnace Repair Burbank IL or a replacement.

Clucas Mechanical serves customers in Burbank, Bridgeview, Oak Lawn and other communities in Chicagoland – schedule HVAC services today.

If the furnace in your home is starting to display warning signs that it’s having difficulty maintaining the temperature settings you prefer, be sure to monitor it closely. There are some relatively minor problems that if resolved promptly will prevent far more extensive problems from occurring later. In some cases, Furnace Repair Burbank IL can prevent the need to replace the furnace and extend its service lifespan.

Contact Clucas Mechanical for Furnace Repair Burbank IL if you notice:

-Frequent starting and stopping. If your furnace keeps cycling off and on, it’s usually because there’s something in its system “telling” it to shut off before it’s able to finish a complete heating cycle. Other possible causes of this warning sign could be a failing motor fan or heat sensor that needs to be cleaned.

-Burner flame discoloration. If you have a furnace that is powered by natural gas, open it and take a look at the burner flame. Some models feature a peephole to enable you to look at the status of the burner flame without the need to open the service door. If the flame appears yellowish, a dirty burner is frequently the cause. The yellow color usually indicates the gas is not completely burning off. That, consequently, could mean that the furnace is not heating as much as it potentially could and the carbon monoxide it produces might not be properly venting. (It’s recommended that homeowners install a carbon monoxide detection unit to monitor the levels of carbon monoxide.)

-Flue is rusty. Another possible indicator of improper venting of carbon monoxide is the appearance of rust on the flue. If a water leak from a plumbing line or from the roof is leading to corrosion and rust on the flue line, it is a sure sign you need to schedule Furnace Repair Burbank IL. The rust is not just unsightly – gas-powered furnaces emit hazardous carbon monoxide levels and they rely upon the flue system to efficiently vent the gaseous byproduct.

In the event the flue line rusts all the way through, the carbon monoxide it’s supposed to vent out can escape right back into the home. The effective ventilation of carbon monoxide also can help your furnace to burn with better efficiency.

-Moisture accumulation. If you are noticing that there are some rooms in your house with areas of moisture collecting on the walls, windows or ceilings that could be a warning sign of insufficient air circulation. Damp or stagnant indoor air indicates there may be problem with the vents or with the furnace. Pay close attention if you start seeing condensation because it can be a sign you need to schedule Furnace Repair Burbank IL.

-Utility costs rising. There are a number of variable that can cause residential utility costs to climb. Naturally, excessively cold temperatures during the winter can make a furnace run for longer periods of time. (And cost more to operate.) But a furnace that struggles to keep your household comfortably warm even when temperatures are not particularly cold might have a problem that needs attention promptly. First, check out the furnace filter. A dirty, clogged filter can restrict proper air flow and make the furnace work extra hard just to achieve the temperature you prefer.

That’s tough on the furnace and a common cause of rising heating costs. With heating systems, it’s important to act sooner rather and schedule Furnace Repair Burbank IL than later if you’re experiencing any of these issues with your furnace. Call to schedule Furnace Repair Burbank IL and our technicians will have your heating system back in good working order fast!

Call Clucas Mechanical for repairs, maintenance and installation for:



Zoning systems

Heat pumps


We specialize in everything homeowners need to remain comfortable during the winter


have the expertise required to assess and solve problems with both residential and commercial


We offer water heater replacements that are reliable, modern and energy efficient.

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